The company details below are provided by the FAA.
Address 2700 Glades Circle, Suite 124 0
City Weston
State FL
Zip Code 33327
FAA Certificate INTR289E   
Key Personnel
The contact details below are provided by the FAA. If incorrect please contact your local FSDO.
Type Name Title Phone Capabilities
FAA Pardo, Leyde FAA Accountable Manager 9549085200 Add
FAA Lozano, Andrea Quality Assurance Director 8164472226 Add
FAA Gil, Fabio Inspector/Supervisor 3055609284 Add
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If you are ABC INTERCARGO LLC and want to add or update your repair capabilities

The street address and key personnel information above is provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). If you are ABC INTERCARGO LLC and need to update this information then please contact your local FSDO or FAA representative directly. This site will reflect changes after the next FAA data update. The additional details in this company profile are provided by ABC INTERCARGO LLC and can be edited by logging in to your account.
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U.S. Patent 7,856,430